
Pioneer for the new timeline

Mathias Weitbrecht
Knowledge Holder
  • 20 years of experience in transformation processes - in world affairs, in corporations and in organizations of change
  • Knowledge holder - whether social or geopolitical contexts and developments, health or integral knowledge.
  • Real effectiveness - working with the best.
  • Transformative leadership cconsultant with a focus on strategy visualization. Founder of Visual Facilitators.
  • Author of „CoCreate – Das Visualisierungsbuch“.
  • Information architect in Silicon Valley (1999) – preparing information in such a way that people understand it.
  • Established one of the first German online bookstores (1996).
Roles I play


I am a vessel of knowledge and wisdom that has the ability to transform the way people think. I share my knowledge with others when they are ready and vibrationally aligned with what I have to share. When the time is right, I have the right words and the right insights to help others expand their thinking, re-calibrate their mindset and discover the elegant solutions to the challenges facing humanity.

keeper of humanity

In an age of deleting, destruction of knowledge and suppression of ancient human heritage I have an eye on the true value of human achievements. I know what to preserve and what to let go.

integral visual facilitator

I am passionate about facilitating change in the world and evolving potential. I see my work as contributing to meaningful value creation for society and entrepreneurship. I work for businesses in the role of a conscious co-creator of corporate cultures full of opportunity, richness, aliveness and health. Especially when I, again and again, make the experience that me and my team have facilitated clients through their own unique transformation process. Doing so we operate from a perspective of systemic holism. I am seen as a pioneer in the global visual practitioner community, and I am the founder of


I am a teacher and a leader. I use my resources, my knowledge and my experience to expand the resources, knowledge and experiences of others. I use my blessings of abundance to increase the blessings others experience. I know that I am a vehicle of knowledge and wisdom. I sense when it’s the right time for me to share and what I to share with others.

master of perception

Sensing, seeing, feeling, connecting: Be it geopolitics and why things happen in the world, be it how health really works or be it inter-relational processes – I have the audacity to believe that my contribution, however small, has an impact on the systems in which I operate.

integral change agent

I am a global change agent. I am inspired with passions that serve the purpose of transforming the world. I trust that my energy signature will align me with the flow of resources I need to fulfil my life purpose. I am given everything I need.

Principles I follow
My activity is a weaving of integral practices and ways of being


I know that disruption is the catalyst for growth. I am able to find the blessings of the past and incorporate them in an innovative vision for the future. I am optimistic about the future and I transform the world by growing what works.


I consistently keep my inner and outer environment aligned with the energy of possibility and potential.


I hold my vision and nurture my energy as I wait to bear the fruit of my intentions and my visions.


I am a powerful resource for communities. The energy that I hold impacts others deeply and brings them to deeper states of alignment. I am valuable and powerful and I claim and defend the true story of my contributions.

Certified Integral Facilitator (Diane Hamilton), 2021
Certified Virtual Facilitator (INFAC), 2020
Holacracy, 2006/2011
Leadership Development Framework (Susanne Cook-Greuter), 2008
Visual Facilitation Training, 2007
Integral Organizational Leadership, 2005
Business Coaching, 2004-2005
Conscious Business Training (Fred Kofman), 2002 und 2005
Personal Mentoring Training, 2002
Projekt Managements- and Requirements-Training, 2001
Traveled to more than 80 countries, trained mastering extreme situations with SEAL Special Forces, skydived
Learned from and inspired by

Wisdom Traditions

Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche, Tenga Rinpoche, Shamar Rinpoche, Ole Nydahl

Integral Theory

Ken Wilber, Don Beck

Integral Life Practice

Thomas Hübl, Terry Patten, Diane Hamilton, Rollie Stanich


Dustin DiPerna


Katchie Ananda, Guru Jagat, Harmanjot, Todd Tesen


Baulig Consulting, Dirk Kreuter, Randolph Moreno Sommer


Rob McNamara, Randolph Moreno Sommer

Visual facilitation

David Sibbet


a carefully selected, unbiased array of alternative news sources around the world, integrally informed and broadening perspectives

Holistic Reality

Cate Stillman, Lisa Renee, Christian Rath, Human Design, Hendrik Hannes

Are You Ready?


Provided that we fit together. Provided I see your potential in change - and know that you are creating something great. Provided that the decisive impulse germinates in me - and falls on fertile ground with you.

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