I am your

You are on your path to evolve. And maybe you booked some support or mentoring in the past.

But did you really feel seen?

Deeply as a human with your potential? That is the core benefit you will receive – to connect seeing you and your potential. From that foundation we take a clear, dialog-based evolutionary way forward. Together.


Topics we can cover over 9 months of working together

Your vision and your step beyond it

Your purpose, your task, your organization

Strategy, tactics and implementation

Scaling, processes and structures

Your personal setup and habits

Your stage of development and your next step inside and outside.

Seclusion and Beyond

During our mentoring sessions, we will start by spending a few days at a secluded location. This will allow us to explore and uncover the potential within you, and determine what you wish to bring forth into the world. In the subsequent months, we will continue to meet regularly to address your current topics and challenges.

Library of Knowledge

Additionally you will have access to a huge library of knowledge. Be it leadership, personal development, integral practice, understanding media and the political matrix and much more.

Integral COnsciousness

You will receive a rich bouquet of methods and practice that will support you comprehensively: Consciousness, mind, body, shadow, habits and of course working with your vision. I see you - and you learn to see and to be.

Are You Ready?


Provided that we fit together. Provided I see your potential in change - and know that you are creating something great. Provided that the decisive impulse germinates in me - and falls on fertile ground with you.

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